Elder Aimilianos
Archimandrite Elder Aimilianos, born Alexandros Vafeidis, Father Superior of Simonopetra from 1973 to 2000, was born in 1934, to pious parents, in Nikaia, Piraeus. The family originated from Asia Minor: His paternal grandmother, Evdoxia, was from Constantinople, and his grandfather, Alexandros, from Selymbria (present-day Silivri), in Thrace, studied in the famous Theological Seminary of Chalki Island (present-day Gökçeada).

Simonopetra Monastery ranks 13th in the hierarchy of the Athonian Community. Its existence is closely related to the figure of its founder, St. Simon Myroblyte [the Athonite]. The saint was active during the Latin Empire [Frankish rule] period (1204-1261). St. Simon lead his ascetic life in the cave across Simonopetra. He prayed day and night and...
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