Rosemary has spasmolytic, soothing, anti-inflammatory , antihepatotoxic, diuretic, and antifungal properties.
It contains ingredients that stimulate the immune system and digestion, and it impacts bile secretion. It helps detox our body.
It acts against colds, stimulates blood flow to the brain, and improves concentration and memory. It fights mental fatigue, and relieves anxiety headaches and migraines. It helps with overwork fatigue and weakness. It lifts your mood and is useful in cases of depression.
As a spasmolytic it is very effective in treating gastrointestinal disorders.
It is an effective expectorant, recommended for coughs, asthma, bronchitis, and the flu.
NOTE: The above information is not medical advice, nor should it replace expert medical healthcare advice. It is provided for informational purposes alone. Do not stop following any other medical healthcare recommendations without first consulting your doctor.